eco@work - Volume July 2024

A good balance?

Voluntary climate action


eco@work – July 2024 (date of publication of German edition: June 2024)
ISSN: 1863-2017

Published by:
Öko-Institut e.V.

Edited by:
Mandy Schoßig (mas), Christiane Weihe (cw)

Responsible editor:
Christof Timpe

Translated by:
Christopher Hay

Hans-Albert Löbermann

Technical implementation:
Markus Werz, Öko-Institut e.V.

Address of editorial office:
Borkumstraße 2
13189 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: 030/4050 85-0
Fax: 030/4050 85-388,

Account Details for Donations:
GLS Bank, Bank Code No.: 430 609 67, Account No.: 792 200 990 0,
IBAN: DE50 4306 0967 7922 0099 00, BIC: GENODEM1GLS

Donations are taxdeductible for German income tax purposes.

Picture Credits:
Title, p. 2 left side, p. 7-11 © fStopImages / Malte Müller; p. 2 right side, p. 4-5 © Photon-Photos –;, p. 5 above ©; other © private or © Öko-Institut