Oeko-Institut’s researchers are represented on numerous bodies, committees, boards and advisory councils, where they pass on their experience gathered from studies and practical projects. With their expertise, representatives of Oeko-Institut also contribute to effective environmental and climate protection as in numerous networks and associations. In addition, we engage in a continuous exchange of knowledge with research partners and organisations across the field.
The most important networks at a glance:

The Oeko-Institut has been a member of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet) – the network of non-university, non-profit environmental and sustainability research institutes in Germany – since 2011. The Ecornet institutes’ joint mission is to establish a scientific basis for society’s transformation towards sustainability. The institutes conduct applied research across the boundaries of scientific disciplines on ways to achieve a post-fossil and post-nuclear society.
Click here to visit the website of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet)

Legacy for the Future Foundation (Stiftung Zukunftserbe)
In 2000, the Oeko-Institut established the Legacy for the Future Foundation (Stiftung Zukunftserbe). The Foundation views itself as a pioneer of future-oriented solutions in the field of environmental protection and sustainable, future-compatible development. It promotes research projects on topics such as climate action, resource conservation, sustainable consumption and the risks associated with nuclear technologies.
Click here to visit the website of the Legacy for the Future Foundation (in German)

The tdAcademy
As a founding partner of the tdAcademy, the Oeko-Institut actively promotes networking in the context of transdisciplinary research. The tdAcademy aims to be a constantly evolving, collaborative knowledge base for transdisciplinary research, contributes to capacity-building for its users and supports the transdisciplinary research community.

The Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research
Oeko-Institut is a founding member of the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e.V., GTPF), which was founded in March 2023. The aims of the society are to network transdisciplinary and participatory researchers, to support young researchers, to professionalise, consolidate and establish transdisciplinary and participatory research and teaching, and to represent the interests of the community of transdisciplinary and participatory researchers in Germany.
Click here to visit the website of the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany
The Oeko-Institut is a member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany. The network promotes engagement for sustainable development in Germany, brings together the perspectives of leading German scientific organisations, civil society and businesses, and develops solutions for effective action on Agenda 2030, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.
Click here to visit the website of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Oeko-Institut’s participation in international platforms and alliances
PREVENT Waste Alliance for the global networking of circular economy practitioners
Click here to visit the PREVENT Waste Alliance website
RE-SOURCING Global stakeholder platform for responsible sourcing in mineral value chains
Click here to visit the RE-SOURCING website
Overview of Oeko-Institut's membership of associations
Oeko-Institut is also a member of the following associations and organisations:
BdKom - Federal Association of Communicators (Bundesverband der Kommunikatoren e. V.)
CAN - Climate Action Network Europe
German Association for Repository Research (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endlagerforschung, DAEF)
EnergieVision e.V., which certifies green electricity with its ok-power label
Environmental Law Network International (elni)
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee)
European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
GEE Society for Energy Science and Energy Policy e.V. (GEE Gesellschaft für Energeiwissenschaft und Energiepolitik e.V.)
idw – Scientific Information Service (Informationsdienst Wissenschaft)
International Association for Energy Economics IAEE
National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V. (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.)