Executive Board Oeko-Institut e.V.

Anke Herold

Acting CEO

Anke Herold, a geo-ecologist by training, is the acting CEO of the Oeko-Institut. She has been a member of Germany’s delegation to the international climate negotiations for more than 20 years, and has also served with the European Union’s delegation. She has acted as chief EU negotiator on transparency, monitoring and verification at the international climate negotiations and was involved in the drafting of the Paris Agreement. She has also acted as Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change lead author and performed other roles for various IPCC reports.

From 2008 to 2018 she held the post of research coordinator for international climate policy at the Oeko-Institut. Throughout that period she led numerous projects at national, European and international level covering a broad range of issues that included the design of the international climate regime and the assessment and implementation of climate policy instruments and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture, forestry and waste management sectors. Her research also focuses on reviewing and monitoring compliance with greenhouse gas mitigation targets and evaluating mitigation actions. In the course of diverse international projects she has advised partner countries, particularly in Latin America, on establishing and reaching climate targets.

Special Expertise

Main topics

  • International, European and national climate policy
  • Design of an international climate regime under the UNFCCC
  • Monitoring, reporting, review, verification and compliance of GHG emissions and mitigation targets
  • Evaluation of mitigation policies and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture and industry sector
  • Accounting of mitigation targets
  • Accounting of emissions and removals in the land-use, land use change and forestry sector
  • Emission trading and flexible mechanisms in the energy sector and climate policy
  • Emission scenarios and projections
  • Capacity building on developing countries related to GHG mitigation
  • Climate finance


  • EU negotiator in negotiations under the UNFCCC
  • Co-chair for agenda items under the UNFCCC related to montoring, review or accounting
  • Author, lead author and review editor for several reports of the IPCC:
    • 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
    • 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
    • IPCC Good Practice Guidance for national GHG Inventories (2000)
    • IPCC Good Practice Guidance for Land-Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (2003)
  • Former Expert for the EU in the Consultative group of experts on Non-Annex I National Communications (CGE)
  • „Lead reviewer” and “Review expert” in reviews under the UNFCCC
  • „Lead Reviewer“ for the EU GHG inventory review under the Effort Sharing Decision
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of the „Initiative for Climate Action Transparency“ (ICAT).
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal “Carbon Management“
  • Chair of the Management Committee of the European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change Management

Key Projects

Transparency under the UNFCCC

  • Herold, A., Siemons, A., Goodwin, J. 2017: Development of new and enhancement of existing measurement, reporting and verification modalities under the UNFCCC. Final report for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Siemons, A. 2015: Up-Front Information for emission reduction contributions in the 2015 Agreement under the UNFCCC. Background paper.
  • Herold, A., Cames, M., Siemons, A. 2014: The development of climate negotiations in view of Lima (COP 20). Study for the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) of the European Parliament.
  • Herold, A., Siemons, A. 2013-2017: Scientific support for the Federal Ministry for the Environment related to transparency in the negotiations under the UNFCCC. Project for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
  • Herold, A. 2009-2012: Design of requirements for monitoring, reporting, review of obligations in a post-2012 climate regime. Project for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
  • Herold, A.: Experiences with Articles 5, 7, and 8 defining the monitoring, reporting and verification system under the Kyoto Protocol. In: Promoting Compliance in an Evolving Climate Regime, Eds: J. Brunnée, M. Doelle, L. Rajamani, Cambridge University Press

Monitoring and reporting in the EU

  • European Environment Agency 2017: Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2015 and inventory report 2017. Submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat, EEA Report 6/2017. (see also previous EU GHG inventories)
  • European Environment Agency 2017: Approximated European Union greenhouse gas inventory: Proxy GHG emission estimates for 2016. (see also previous reports). Background report.
  • Amelia Sharman, A, Kirhenšteiner, I., Scudo, A., Pooley, M., Herold, A., Jörß, W., Harthan, R, Gores, S., Förster, H., Emele, L., Soleille, S., Mitsios, A., 2016: Possible streamlining of climate and energy reporting requirements in areas with interlinkages. Report for European Commission, DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • SQ Consult, Umweltbundesamt 2016: Support to the Commission and Member States on EU ETS Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Accreditation Final report for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Gugele, B., Seuss, K. et al. 2012-2013: Support to the Impact Assessment and Preparation of delegated/ implementing acts based on the Monitoring Mechanism Regulation. Project for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Graichen, J., Busche, J., Hermann, H., Seum, S., Acker, H., Oberthür, S., Gugele, B., Seuss, K. 2011: Review of Decision 280/2004 (Monitoring Mechanism Decision) in view of the agreed Climate Change and Energy package. Final report for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Harthan, R., Gugele, B., Goodwin, J.2013-2014: Assistance to Member States for effective implementation of the reporting requirements under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Project for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Scheffler, M., Anderson, G., Emele, L.2013-2017: Verification of the suitability of the method proposed to produce early CO2 emission estimates. Project for Eurostat
  • Herold, A., Jörß, W., Schumacher. K. 2012-2014, Gores, S., Förster, H. et al: Preparation of the EU Biennial Report and EU 6th National Communication under the UNFCCC. Project for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Scheffler, M. 2014-2015: Support to the Commission with the preparation of the initial report for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. Project for European Commission, DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Busche, J., Gugele, B. Harthan, Köther, T., Poupa, S., Wieser, M. 2008: Changes and implications of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Background Paper for the Workshop on the implications of the implementation of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national GHG inventories, 30-31 October 2008

Accounting of mitigation targets

  • Herold, A., Siemons, A., Hermann, L. 2018: Is it possible to track progress of the submitted nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement? Overview of implicit accounting decisions in submitted NDCs and implications for the tracking of progress under the Paris Agreement.
  • Herold, A., Graichen, J. Harthan, R., Greiner, B. 2015-2018: Technical support for the development of accounting systems for greenhouse gas emission targets in non-Annex I countries in Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico. Project under the German International Climate Initiative.
  • Herold, A., Siemons, A., Cames, M., Böttcher, H. 2017: Analysis of options for accounting rules under the Paris Agreement. Final report for the German Environment Agency.
  • Herold, A. 2015: National Contributions – Challenges for the implementation and the monitoring of INDCs: Presentation 2nd Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean 2015. https://www.thepmr.org/events/eventlist/technical-trainings/national-contributions-challenges-implementation-and-monitoring
  • Herold, A. 2015: Presentation on Accounting Rules: The International Debate and National Practices. Presentation at UNDP Global INDC Workshop, Berlin, 16 April 2015
  • Herold, A., J. Busche 2010: Options to take into account emissions and removals from land use, land-use change and forestry in a post-2012 agreement. Final report for the German Environment Agency.

Evaluation of climate policies and mitigation actions

  • Herold, A.; Siemons, A.; Wojtal, L. 2017: Climate and energy policies in Poland. Briefing for the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament.
  • European Environment Agency 2016: Application of the EU Emissions Trading Directive - Analysis of national responses under Article 21 of the EU ETS Directive in 2015, EEA Report No 6/2016, Authors: King. K., Young, K., Herold, A., Gores, S., Anderson, G.
  • Herold, A., Schumacher K., Koch, M., Döring, U. in cooperation with AMEC and Cambridge Econometrics (2012-2013): Ex-post quantification of the effects and costs of policies and measures, project for DG Climate Action, European Commission
  • Herold, A., Jörß, W., Cludius, J., Gores, S., Graichen, V., Gschrey, B., Healy, S., Hermann, A., Papst, I., Scheffler, M., Schumacher, K., Schwarz, W. 2012: Support for the impact assessment of a possible legal proposal to revise Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases. Project for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Graichen, V., Duerinck, J., Schoeters, K., Renders, N., Aernouts, K., Beheydt, D. , Nijs, W., Anderson, J., Bassi, S. 2009: Assessment and improvement of methodologies used for Greenhouse Gas projections. Final report to DG Environment, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., M. Jung, A. Gilbert, S, Alberici, K. Eisbrenner, C. Ellermann, J. Enssle, J. Busche, M. Holland 2009: Mitigation of Climate Change in the Land Use Sector. Scope of an International Scheme to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries. Project for DG Environment, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Graichen, J. Harthan, R., Schneider, L. et al (2008): Policies and measures at Member State level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve compliance with commitments for 2008 to 2012 under the Kyoto Protocol. Final report for DG Environment, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Cunha Zeri G., Dietz, J., Freibauer, A., Hüttner, M., Jung, M., Mollicone, D., Scheffler, M (2008): Emissions and removals from land-use, land use change and forestry activities in a post-Kyoto regime – quantitative analysis of a framework for reducing deforestation. Final report for the German Environment Agency. Umweltbundesamt Reihe Climate Change, 16/2008

Climate finance

  • Herold, A., Siemons, A., Thorpe, C., Veenstra, E., Bolscher, H. 2018: Analysis and aggregation of Member States' information on climate finance. Final report for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Herrmann, L., Wooley, R., Veenstra, E., Bolscher, H. 2017: Analysis and aggregation of Member States' information on climate finance. Final report for DG Climate Action, European Commission.
  • Herold, A., Cavalheiro, G., Herrmann, L. 2016: Recommendations related to the technical guidance on reporting on financial and technology support provided to developing countries under the Monitoring Mechanism Regulation. Synthesis Report. Report for DG Climate Action, European Commission.

Professional Training and Career

  • Diploma in geo-ecology (University of Bayreuth)
  • 2009-2018: Research coordinator for international climate policy at Oeko-Institut
  • Since 1997: Researcher at Oeko-Institut
  • 1996-1997: Brandenburgische Energiesparagentur, Potsdam, Public Relations Officer
  • 1995-1996: Green Party in the German parliament, research associate
  • 1994-1995: Environmental NGO ROBIN WOOD e.V., research associate

Language Skills

  • Englisch
  • Spanish
  • French


Anke Herold

Recent projects

Recent publications
