Energy & Climate

Christian Winger

Senior Researcher

Special Expertise

  • Databases
  • GIS
  • Data processing automation
  • Data analysis & statistics
  • Coding and model development

Key Projects

  • BMBF Powergrid: Increasing transparency with regard to the need to expand the electricity transmission grid
  • EU-DG Energy RES report: Study on Technical Assistance in Realisation of the 2016 Report on Renewable Energy, in preparation of the Renewable Energy Package for the Period 2020-2030 in the European Union
  • Greenpeace Forrest Vision 2050: Plan B for German forests
  • BMWi Climate- and Energy Database: Scenario data and extension of the OpenEnergy Database (oedb)

Professional Training and Career

  • B.Sc. Engineering/Computer Science – Technical University Cottbus

Language Skills

  • English


Christian Winger

  • Energy & Climate
  • Senior Researcher
  • Freiburg

Recent projects

Recent publications