Resources & Transport
Florian Hacker
Deputy head of Division / Senior Researcher
Special Expertise
Key focus of research: Sustainable mobility
- Alternative propulsion technologies and fuels (with a special focus on electric propulsion technologies)
- Development of strategies for CO2 reduction in the transport sector
- Scenario development and calculation of transport emissions
Key Projects
- share: Expert accompanying research for car2go with battery electric vehicles and conventional vehicles
- ePowered Fleets Hamburg: Electro mobility in car fleets
- eMobil 2050: Electro mobility for passenger, freight and public transport up to 2050
- Environmental benefits of electric mobility – Integrated perspectives on vehicle use and power supply industry (OPTUM)
- Expert advice on the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions of the Chinese transport sector
- Sustainable mobility within the context of renewable energies until 2030 (RENEWBILITY I & II)
Professional Training and Career
- Since 2016: Deputy head of Resources & Transport Division
- Since 2007: Researcher at Oeko-Institut, Resources & Transport Division
- 1999-2006: Degree in Geoecology at Potsdam University, Germany, graduating with the title “Diplom-Geoökologe”
- 2002-2005: Complementary studies of environmental management at the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- 2002: Environmental Sciences at Joensuu University, Finland (ERASMUS scholarship)
Language Skills
English, French
Florian Hacker
- Resources & Transport
- Deputy head of Division / Senior Researcher
- Berlin
- +49 30 405085-373