Energy & Climate

Dr. Klaus Hennenberg

Senior Researcher

Special expertise

  • Sustainability criteria for biomass production, specifically biodiversity criteria, soil and water
  • Land-use modelling (agriculture, forestry, LULUCF) and environmental impact assessment
  • Biogas, biogenic fuels, bio-materials
  • Forest edge analysis, ecological field studies
  • Modelling techniques (agent based modelling, system dynamics modelling), statistical analysis techniques

Key projects


  • Soimakallio S, Böttcher H, Niemi J, Mosley F, Turunen S, Hennenberg KJ, Reise J, Fehrenbach H (2022): Closing an open balance: the impact of increased roundwood harvest on forest carbon. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 14: 989–1000.
  • Fehrenbach H, Bischoff M, Böttcher H, Reise J, Hennenberg KJ (2022) The missing limb: Including impacts of biomass extraction on forest carbon stocks in greenhouse gas balances of wood use. Forests 2022 13: 365.
  • Luick R, Hennenberg K, Leuschner C, Grossmann M, Jedicke E. Schoof N, Waldenspuhl T (2022): Primeval, natural and commercial forests in the context of biodiversity and climate protection - Part 2: The narrative of the climate neutrality of wood as a resource. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 54(1): 22-35.
  • Hennenberg K, Gebhardt S, Wimmer F, Distelkamp M, Lutz C, Böttcher H, Schaldach R (2022): Germany’s Agricultural Land Footprint and the Impact of Import Pattern Allocation. Sustainability 14: 105.
  • Luick R, Hennenberg K, Leuschner C, Grossmann M, Jedicke E. Schoof N, Waldenspuhl T (2022): Primeval, natural and commercial forests in the context biodiversity and climate protection - Part 1: Functions for biodiversity and as carbon sinks and reservoirs. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 53(12): 12-25.
  • Bringezu S, Distelkamp M, Lutz C, Wimmer F, Schaldach R, Hennenberg KJ, Böttcher H, Egenolf V (2021): Environmental and socioeconomic footprints of the German bioeconomy. Nature Sustainability 4: 775–783.
  • Reise J, Hennenberg K, Böttcher H, Benndorf A (2021): Natürliche Senken. Die Potenziale natürlicher Ökosysteme zur Vermeidung von Treibhausgasemissionen und Speicherung von Kohlenstoff.
  • Hennenberg K, Böttcher H, Reise J, Bohn F, Gutsch M, Reyer C (2021): Interpretation des Klima-schutzgesetzes für die Waldbewirtschaftung verlangt adäquate Datenbasis - Reaktion auf die Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats für Waldpolitik beim BMEL (vom 22.06.2021). Öko-Institut Working Paper 3/2021.
  • Böttcher H, Hennenberg KJ, Reise J, Benndorf A (2021): Treibhausgasneutralität: Wie können natürliche Senken in Deutschland zur „grünen Null“ beitragen? In: J.L. Lozán, S.-W. Breckle, H. Graßl & D. Kasang (Hrsg.) Warnsignale Klima: Boden und Landnutzung. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, 400 S.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Reise J, Böttcher H, Benndorf A (2021): Waldbewirtschaftung und deren Wirkung auf die THG-Bilanz in Deutschland. In: J.L. Lozán, S.-W. Breckle, H. Graßl & D. Kasang (Hrsg.) Warnsignale Klima: Boden und Landnutzung. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, 400 S.
  • European Commission (2021). Technical assistance for the preparation of guidance for the implementation of the new bioenergy sustainability criteria set out in the revised Renewable Energy Directive. REDIIBIO: final report, DG Energy, Publications Office.
  • Böttcher H, Reise J, Hennenberg KJ (2021): Exploratory analysis of an EU sink and restoration target. Working paper. Commissioned by Greenpeace Germany. Oeko-Institut. Berlin.
  • Bringezu S, Banse M, Ahmann L, Bezama NA, Billig E, Bischof R, Blanke C, Brosowski A, Brüning S, Borchers M, Budzinski M, Cyffka K-F, Distelkamp M, Egenolf V, Flaute M, Geng N, Gieseking L, Graß R, Hennenberg K, Hering T, Iost S, Jochem D, Krause T, Lutz C, Machmüller A, Mahro B, Majer S, Mantau U, Meisel K, Moesenfechtel U, Noke A, Raussen T, Richter F, Schaldach R, Schweinle J, Thrän D, Uglik M, Weimar H, Wimmer F, Wydra S, Zeug W (2020): Pilotbericht zum Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie. Hrsg. vom Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel.
  • Böttcher H, Hennenberg K, Hünecke K, Fehrenbach H, Rettenmaier N, Bischoff M, Reise J (2020): Nature protection and advanced biofuels. BfN-Skripten 580, BfN, Bonn, Bad Godesberg.
  • Böttcher, H.; Hennenberg, K.; Wiegmann, K.; Scheffler, M.; Hansen, A. (2020): Towards an Approach to a Multidimensional Environmental Assessment of Biomass Production. In: Harry Lehmann (Hg.): Sustainable Development and Resource Productivity. New York : Routledge, 2020. | Series: Factor x: studies in: Routledge.;
  • Böttcher H, Hennenberg K, Wiegmann K, Scheffler M, Wolff F, Gsell M, Hansen A, Meyer-Aurich A, Grundmann P, Vedel D (2020): Nexus resource efficiency and land use: approaches to a multidimensional environmental assessment of resource efficiency. TEXTE 45/2020, Federal Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Hennenberg K, Böttcher H, Wiegmann K, Reise J, Fehrenbach H (2019): Carbon storage in forests and wood products. AFZ-DerWald 17/2019: 36-39.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Wiegmann K, Fehrenbach H, Detzel A, Köppen S, Schlecht S (2019): Implementation of sustainability criteria for the material use of biomass within the framework of the Blue Angel. Part 1: Feasibility study on overarching aspects - Material use of biomass. Final report. Research code 3714953080, TEXTE 87/2019. Federal Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Böttcher H, Bradshaw CJA (2018): Revised EU renewable-energy policies erode nature protection. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2: 1519–1520.
  • Hennenberg K, Böttcher H (2018): Kurzstudie zur Prüfung der derzeitigen Anreizstruktur beim Ein-satz von Holz zur energetischen Verwendung auf die Wirksamkeit hinsichtlich der Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele, Öko-Institut e.V. Berlin, Darmstadt.
  • Böttcher H, Hennenberg K, Winger C (2018): FABio-Waldmodell - Modellbeschreibung Version 0.54.
  • Böttcher H, Hennenberg K, Winger C (2018): Waldvision Deutschland - Beschreibung von Metho-den, Annahmen und Ergebnissen.
  • Koch M, Hennenberg, K,  Hünecke K, Haller M, Hesse T (2018): Rolle der Bioenergie im Strom- und Wärmemarkt bis 2050 unter Einbeziehung des zukünftigen Gebäudebestandes. Wissenschaftlicher Endbericht (FKZ 03KB114), Öko-Institut, Freiburg, Darmstadt.
  • Hennenberg K, Böttcher H, Fehrenbach H, Bischoff M (2017): Short analysis of the RED 2009, the iLUC Directive 2015 and the 2016 RED proposal regarding implications for nature protection. Öko-Institut, Berlin
  • Hennenberg KJ, Winter S, Reise J (2017): A conservation appraisal of Germany’s third national forest inventory. Natur und Landschaft 92: 201-208.
  • Reise J, Hennenberg K, Winter S, Winger C, Höltermann A, Steinke I, Böttcher H, Wiegmann K (2017): Analysis and discussion on relevant nature protection issues related to the third German forestry inventory. 2nd revised edition. BfN-Skripten 427, BfN, Bonn – Bad Godesberg.
  • Thrän D, Arendt  O, Banse M, Braun J, Fritsche U, Gärtner S, Hennenberg KJ, Hünneke K, Mill-inger M, Ponitka J, Rettenmaier N, Schaldach R, Schüngel J, Wern B, Wolf V (2017): Strategy Ele-ments for a Sustainable Bioenergy Policy Based on Scenarios and Systems Modeling: Germany as Example. Chemical Engineering Technology 40(2); 211–226.
  • Böttcher H, Hennenberg K, Forsell N (2016) Study on impacts on resource efficiency of future EU demand for bioenergy: Resource efficiency implications of the scenarios
  • Forsell N, Korosuo A, Havlík P, Valin H, Lauri P, Gusti M, Kindermann G, Böttcher H, Hennenberg K, Hünecke K, Wiegmann K, Pekkanen M, Nuolivirta P, Bowyer C, Nanni S, Allen B, Poláková J, Fitzgerald J, Lindner M (2016). Study on impacts on resource efficiency of future EU demand for bioener-gy - ReceBio Summary Report.
  • Thrän D, Schaldach R, Millinger M, Wolf V, Arendt O, Ponitka J, Gärtner S, Rettenmaier N, Hen-nenberg K, Schüngel J (2016): The MILESTONES modeling framework: An integrated analysis of national bioenergy strategies and their global environmental impacts. Environmental Modelling & Software 86: 14-29.
  • Luick R, Hennenberg K (2015) Potentials and limitations: Biomass use in the light of energy transition and bio-economy. In: Nachhaltiges Waldmanagement und regionale Wertschöpfung. Berichte Freiburger Forstliche Forschung, Heft 99, Universität Freiburg
  • Schmidt MS, Hennenberg K, Luick R (2015). Determination of adding-value effects for the energetic use of wood in model regions in Baden-Württemberg. In: Nachhaltiges Waldmanagement und regionale Wertschöpfung. Berichte Freiburger Forstliche Forschung, Heft 99, Universität Freiburg.
  • Hennenberg K (2015) Greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions from the energetic use of wood. In: Nachhaltiges Waldmanagement und regionale Wertschöpfung. In: Nachhaltiges Waldmanagement und regionale Wertschöpfung. Berichte Freiburger Forstliche Forschung, Heft 99, Universität Freiburg.
  • Hennenberg K, Marggraff V, Luick R, Stein S (eds.) (2012) Biodiversity targets for the energetic use of timber (workshop report). BfN-Skripten 330, BfN, Bonn – Bad Godesberg.
  • Hennenberg KJ (2011) Will European Sustainability Standards on Bioenergy be Effective to Protect Savannas? Pp. 267-274. In: Veress B and Szigethy J, Horizons in Earth Science Research, Volume 4.
  • Schweers W, Bai Z, Campbell E, Hennenberg K, Fritsche U, Mang HP, Lucas M, Li Z, Scanlon A, Chen H (2011) Identification of potential areas for biomass production in China: Discussion of a recent approach and future challenges. Biomass Bioenergy 35: 2268–2279.
  • Hennenberg KJ, C Dragisic, S Haye, J Hewson, B Semroc, C Savy, K Wiegmann, H Fehrenbach, UR Fritsche (2010) Sustainability of bioenergy: Do existing standards meet protection needs for biodiversity? Conservation Biology 24:412–423.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Herrera R (2010): Experiences form the Implementation of the European Renewable Energy Directive (RED) in Germany. Proceedings of the 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Lyon, 3.-7. May 2010.
  • Minden V, Hennenberg KJ, Porembski S, Boehmer HJ (2010) Invasion and management of alien Hedychium gardnerianum (kahili ginger, Zingiberaceae) alter plant species composition of a montane rainforest on the island of Hawai'i. Plant Ecology 206:321-333
  • Hennenberg KJ, UR Fritsche, C Dragisic, S Haye, J Hewson, A Jering (2008) Sustainability standards for biomass: Status in Germany, the EU, and global perspectives. Procedings of the Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, 17-20 November 2008, Venice, Italy
  • Hennenberg KJ, Orthmann B, Steinke I, Porembski S (2008) Core area analysis at semi-deciduous forest islands in the Comoé National Park, NE Ivory Coast, Biodiversity and Conservation 17:2787-2797.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Goetze D, Szarzynski J, Orthmann B, Reineking B, Steinke I, Porembski S (2008) Detection of seasonal variability in microclimatic borders and ecotones between forest and savanna. Baisc and Applied Ecology 9: 275-285.
  • Goetze D, Hennenberg KJ, Koulibaly A, Porembski S (2007) Forest-savanna dynamics in Ivory Coast. In: Runge J (ed.) Dynamics of forest ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene: past - present - future, Palaeoecology of Africa 28: 169-198.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Fischer F, Kouadio K, Goetze D, Orthmann B, Linsenmair KE, Jeltsch F, Porembski S (2006) Phytomass and fire occurrence along forest-savanna transects in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast. Journal of Tropical Ecology 22:303-311.
  • Schöngart J, Orthmann B, Hennenberg KJ, Porembski S, Worbes M (2006) Climate-growth relationships of tropical tree species in West Africa and their potential for climate reconstruction. Global Change Biology 12:1139-1150.
  • Steinke I, Hennenberg KJ (2006) On the power of plotless density estimators for statistical comparisons of plant communities. Canadian Journal of Botany 84:421-432.
  • Hennenberg KJ (2005) Vegetation ecology of forest-savanna ecotones in the Comoé National Park (Ivory Coast): Border and ecotone detection, core-area analysis, and ecotone dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Rostock.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Goetze D, Kouamé LK, Orthmann B, Porembski S (2005) Border and ecotone detection by vegetation composition along forest-savanna transects in Ivory Coast. Journal of Vegetation Science 16:301-310.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Minden V, Goetze D, Traoré D, Porembski S (2005): Size class distribution of Anogeissus leiocarpus (Combretaceae) along forest-savanna ecotones in northern Ivory Coast. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21:273-281.
  • Hennenberg KJ, Bruelheide H (2003) Ecological investigations on the northern distribution range of Hippocrepis comosa L. in Germany. Plant Ecology 166: 167-188.

Professional training

  • Doctorate as biologist (Dr. rer. nat.; Rostock University, 2005)
  • Postgraduate studies in Energy & Environment, specialising in energy efficiency (Kassel University, 2004)
  • Graduated as biologist with the title Diplom-Biologe (Göttingen University, 1998)


  • Since 2007: Öko-Institut, Darmstadt Office
    Researcher with the Energy & Climate Division
  • 2005 - 2007: LRI – Gesellschaft für regenerative Energiesysteme mbH, engineering consultancy for renewable energy systems in Darmstadt
    Project manager, development of projects and performance of studies in the field of renewable energies (focussing on biogas and plant-derived fuels) in developing and newly industrialised countries
  • 2001 - 2004: Rostock University
    Researcher with the BIOTA (Biodiversity Transect Monitoring Analysis) project funded by the German Research Ministry, four research stays in Côte d’Ivoire
  • 2000: goedecke_engineering consultancy in Göttingen
    Improving the energy performance of Göttingen University campus
  • 2000: Marburg University
    Researcher with the EU-funded TRANSPLANT project
  • 1999 - 2000: Kaiserslautern University
    Researcher, feasibility study for the Trippstadt Research Institute for Forest Ecology and Forestry

Language skills

  • German: Mother tongue
  • English: Good spoken and written command
  • French: Good basic knowledge, spoken and written


Dr. Klaus Hennenberg

Recent projects

Recent publications