Public Relations & Communications
Mandy Schoßig
Head of Department
Special Expertise
- Head of public relations and communications and spokesperson for Öko-Institut
- Arrangement of contacts with Öko-Institut scientists
- Development of communications strategies for:
- Press- and media-relations (print and electronic media, broadcasting services)
- Events
- Editorial products and publications (V.i.S.d.P.; responsible for eco@work and other publications of Öko-Institute)
Professional Training and Career
- 2008 – 2010 Campaigner for WWF Germany
- 2004 – 2008 PR consultant for Johanssen + Kretschmer Strategische Kommunikation, Trimedia Communications
- Master in Romance studies, Communication studies and English philology at the University of Leipzig and Université Aix-Marseille (France)
Language Skills
English, French
Mandy Schoßig
- Public Relations & Communications
- Head of Department
- Berlin
- +49 30 405085-334