Energy & Climate
Dr. Martin Cames
Senior Researcher
Special Expertise
- National and international climate policy
- Flexible mechanisms (Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation, international emissions trading, sectoral approaches)
- Market-based instrument for reducing emission in international maritime transport and aviation
- Economic instruments of environmental policy (emissions trading, eco-taxation, etc.)
- Macroeconomic impact analysis (employment, growth etc.)
- Analysis of greenhouse gas trends and projections
- Modelling and scenarios
Key Projects
- Further development of flexible mechanisms
- Climate protection in international maritime transport
- A framework for a sectoral crediting mechanism in a post-2012 climate regime
- Long-term perspectives of CDM and JI
- Transformation and Innovation in Power Systems (TIPS)
- European Topic Center on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)
- Giving wings to aviation – Inclusion of Aviation into the European Emissions Trading Scheme
- Development of the first National Allocation Plan for Germany
- Green Goal
Professional Training
- Technische Universität Berlin, 2010, Dr. rer. oec. (PhD in economics)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 2006, Visiting researcher
- Freie Universität Berlin,1993, Diplom-Volkswirt (Economist)
- Koller & Seidel, 1989, Metalworker foreman’s certificate
- Bernhard Fiebich, 1983, Locksmith apprenticeship diploma
- Öko-Institut, since 2008, Head of Energy & Climate Division (Berlin)
- Öko-Institut, 2002-2007, Deputy Head of Energy & Climate Division (Berlin)
- Öko-Institut, 1994-2001, researcher
- Complan in Brandenburg, urban planning consultancy, 1993-1994, project manager
- Koller & Seidel, metalworking shop, 1984-1987, locksmith
- Bernhard Fiebich, metalworking shop, 1983-1984, locksmith
- Bernhard Fiebich, metalworking shop, 1981-1983, apprenticeship as a locksmith
Language Skills
- German: native speaker
- English: good written and spoken command
- Spanish: good basic knowledge (written and spoken)
Dr. Martin Cames
- Energy & Climate
- Senior Researcher
- Berlin
- +49 30 405085-383