Nuclear Engineering & Facility Safety
Ryan Kelly
Special Expertise
Research Focus and Areas:
- Socio-technical transformation, acceptance and participation research
- Nuclear waste governance and repository research
- European environmental, energy and infrastructure law
- Regulatory and social technology assessments
- Sustainable spatial and urban development policies
- Transdisciplinary sustainability science and innovation research
Selected Publications (in German):
- Akzeptanzfähigkeit der digitalisierten Energiewende nach dem Messstellenbetriebsgesetz, in: Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP), Jg. 16 (2018), Heft 4, S. 449-467
- Das intelligente Energiesystem der Zukunft, 2020 (doi, ISBN)
- Energieleitungsausbau auf der infrastrukturrechtlichen Überholspur – „NABEG 2.0“: ohne Tempolimit zum Stromautobahnnetz der Energie (zusammen mit K. Schmidt), in: Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts (AöR), Jg. 144 (2019), S. 577-654
- (R)Evolution des Infrastrukturrechts in der Verkehrswege- und Energieleitungsplanung (zusammen mit K. Schmidt), in: Verwaltungsarchiv (VerwArch), Jg. 112 (2021), S. 98-131 (Teil 1) und S. 235-277 (Teil 2)
- Klausurtraining Umweltrecht (zusammen mit D. Winkler/K. Schmidt/M. Zeccola), 2021 (doi, ISBN)
- Kommentierung von §§ 2, 12f, 12g, 43h, 43k und 45a EnWG, in: L. Assmann/M. Peiffer (Hrsg.), Beck’scher Online-Kommentar zum EnWG (BeckOK EnWG), 2021 i.E. (zusammen mit D. Winkler)
Key Projects
- Kopernikus joint project ENavi: "Energy transition navigation system for detecting, analysing and simulating systemic interconnections", WP4: " Law, regulation and governance" and WP11: "Multicriteria evaluation catalogue for roadmaps and scenarios", BMBF (until 2019)
- Expert and scientific consultant (session 9) for the subject area "Energy" in the German Citizens' Assembly on Climate (2021)
- Challenges and success factors in cross-border public participation in the site selection procedure (HErüber) - Head: S. Schütte and M. Mbah
- Kopernikus joint project ENSURE II: "New power grid structures for the energy transition", TP 1, AP 1.3 - Head: C. Timpe
- Joint project: Platform tdAcademy for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies. Sub-project 4: New formats - Head: B. Brohmann
Professional Training and Career
- Studied Social Sciences, B.A. (Empirical Political Sciences and Sociology) with a focus on transformation, environmental and technology research at the University of Stuttgart, graduated with distinction (2013-2017).
- Worked as a tutor and research assistant at the Department of Empirical Social Research (University of Stuttgart) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) (2015-2018)
- Scholarship holder and alumni of the German National Academic Foundation (since 2016)
- Studied Planning and Participation, M.Sc. with a focus on Public Law and Transdisciplinary Planning Sciences at the University of Stuttgart, graduating with distinction (2017-2019)
- Research assistant and doctoral student at the Department of Public Law at the Institute of Economics and Law (IVR) at the University of Stuttgart, with an ongoing doctoral project towards a Dr. rer. pol.-degree (2019-2021)
- At the Oeko-Institut e.V. since July 2021
Language Skills
- English
Ryan Kelly
- Nuclear Engineering & Facility Safety
- Researcher
- Freiburg
- +49 761 45295-224