A new Head for the Nuclear Engineering and Facility Safety Division

[Translate to English:] Personalia: Dr. Christoph Pistner übernimmt Bereichsleitung
Dr Christoph Pistner will take over as the new Head of the Nuclear Engineering and Facility Safety Division at the Oeko-Institut in Darmstadt on 1 January 2019. He succeeds Beate Kallenbach-Herbert following her appointment as commercial director of BGE, the federal company for radioactive waste disposal.
Since joining the Oeko-Institut more than 13 years ago, Dr Pistner, a physicist, has made a name for himself as an international expert in reactor safety, particularly the safety- and risk-related issues arising post-Fukushima.
Further development of European standards
Christoph Pistner’s major projects include the further development of national and European nuclear safety standards and requirements, and an evaluation of operational experience in German nuclear power plants. Assessment of the current state of research on new reactor designs, and analyses of the stress tests conducted at European nuclear power plants, including Fessenheim in France and Beznau in Switzerland, also fall within his area of expertise.
Member of Germany’s Reactor Safety Commission
As a nuclear expert, Dr Pistner is a well-established member of various bodies, including the Reactor Safety Commission (RSK) of the Germany Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Working Group on Probabilistic Safety Analysis.
He also sits on the Board of the Research Association for Science, Disarmament and International Security (FONAS) and is a member of the International Nuclear Risk Assessment Group (INRAG), a network of independent international nuclear energy experts set up after the Fukushima disaster.
In addition to the various studies of which he is author, he is the co-editor, with Julia Neles, of Kernenergie – Eine Technik für die Zukunft?, an academic publication which explores the technological and scientific bases for nuclear energy and the social policy aspects of nuclear safety, disposal and disarmament.
<link das-institut team christoph-pistner>Further details of Dr Christoph Pistner’s fields of expertise and research are available on the Oeko-Institut website.