Annual Members' Meeting elects Oeko-Institut’s Committee

Oeko-Institut’s Annual Members’ Meeting elected the institute’s new Committee in Berlin on Saturday, 12 July 2014. Two external Committee members were re-elected: Dorothea Michaelsen-Friedlieb and Kathleen Spilok have been appointed for a further two years. Two new Committee members were elected at this year’s members’ meeting: Prof. Dr. Volrad Wollny and Dr. Regina Betz have also been appointed to serve on the Committee for a term of two years. In addition, the Committee has three fur-ther external members – Ulrike Schell, Thomas Rahner and Nadia vom Scheidt – who were elected at last year’s members’ meeting to serve until 2015.

Alongside these seven external members, Oeko-Institut’s Committee has five internal members: Michael Sailer by virtue of his position as CEO (Geschäftsführer), a representative of the extended management of the institute – Christof Timpe – as well as staff representatives elected by the staff assemblies at the institute’s three offices: Tobias Schleicher (Freiburg), Stefan Alt (Darmstadt) and Vanessa Cook (Berlin). The latter four members have been elected to serve on the Committee until 2015.

All Committee members work on the Committee on a voluntary basis – Oeko-Institut would like to thank them for their dedication!

Would you like to become a member of Oeko-Institut? (information is in German)


Mandy Schoßig
Head of Public Relations & Communications Department
Oeko-Institut, Berlin office
Phone: +49 30 405085-334