Annual Report 2015: Energiewende half-time

[Translate to English:] Jahresbericht 2015
From the Oeko-Institut’s perspective, Germany reached the half-way stage in its energy transition in 2015. What does this mean, and which projects epitomise our work in this area? Our latest Annual Report provides some answers.
Annual Report of the Oeko-Institut for 2015: Energiewende half-time
Back in 1980, the Oeko-Institut published a report showing what an energy supply without uranium and oil might look like, and described the vision of an alternative energy future. The study coined the word Energiewende – and it was this energy transition which reached the 35-year milestone in 2015. As the current climate scenarios are generally modelled to 2050, 2015 marked the half-time in the transformation of our energy systems.
In 2015, this was the key theme in all our work, and many of our projects identified ways of shaping this transformation in the resource sector, the nuclear industry, consumption and mobility.
However, our work on the transformation to more sustainability went even further. In more than 300 projects, our researchers explored topics such as a low-carbon transport system, more efficient buildings, sustainable biomass production, and greener sporting events.
The Annual Report can be downloaded as a pdf file from our website here. If you prefer to receive a printed copy, please send an e-mail to Romy Klupsch ( or call +49 (0) 761 45295-222.
Mandy Schossig
Head of Public Relations & Communications Department
Oeko-Institut, Berlin office
Tel: +49 30 405085-334