Ariadne project launched within the Kopernikus initiative

[Translate to English:] Forschung im Zeichen der Energiewende
From electricity supply to industrial production and the Paris climate goals, from individual sectors to the big picture: the Ariadne project, a key element of the German Research Ministry’s “Kopernikus” research initiative, will combine the expertise of numerous leading research institutions to engage in a comprehensive process seeking to shape the energy transition. Set up for three years, the project shall deliver an improved understanding of the effects of a range of policy instruments in order to develop socially viable strategies for the transition. Policy-makers, industry representatives and civil society are being involved from the outset by means of a wide-ranging dialogue process.
Sub-project on heat transition with Oeko-Institut input
The Ariadne project brings together more than 26 research partners, coordinated by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The Oeko-Institut is involved in priority analyses of the heat transition and will concentrate on developing a toolbox for the sustainable development of the buildings sector. The goal is to improve energy efficiency in buildings and devise alternative approaches towards heat supply. To this end, the scientists analyse the present shortcomings in the implementation of the heat transition and derive recommendations for policymakers, for instance in the realms of regulatory law and tax law.
Information from the Oeko-Institut on heat transition in the buildings sector