Driving electric in Hamburg

A current project conducted by Oeko-Institut analyses the role that electric vehicles can play in commercial vehicle fleets based on the example of the Hamburg region. Under the project leadership of hySOLUTIONS GmbH and in cooperation with Alphabet Fuhrparkmanagement GmbH – a provider of vehicles and charging infrastructure – Oeko-Institut’s researchers are assessing how well-suited electric vehicles are for use in commercial fleets.

Potentials of electric vehicles in commercial fleets

Following first small fleet tests conducted in recent years, including work for which Oeko-Institut provided expert support, a large-scale test fleet is being implemented with up to 450 electric vehicles over a two-year period which examines the possible advantages of battery electric vehicles in practice. To make a reliable assessment of the potentials of electric vehicles in a commercial setting, the use of electric vehicles is recorded electronically over a long period of time and the drivers are interviewed about the benefits and barriers of electric vehicle use during the course of the project. The researchers are assessing the energy and greenhouse gas emissions that can be saved by using electric vehicles and how high their contribution to climate protection can be.

An electric mobility platform for companies

Within the scope of the project, the experts are also developing an information platform, which aims to support interested companies in the procurement of electric vehicles in future. The platform shall combine both economic and environmental data and information, pass on practical experiences gathered within the project and thereby contribute to further strengthening the use of electric mobility in vehicle fleets.

The research project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

More information on the “Eco Fleet Hamburg – Electric mobility in vehicle fleets” project can be found on the Senate of Hamburg’s website (in German)

Contact at Oeko-Institut

Florian Hacker
Infrastructure & Enterprises Division
Oeko-Institut e.V., Berlin office 
Email contact
