Environmentally sound, collective and fair. Considering the social aspects of transformation

[Translate to English:] Wandel in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit

Climate and environmental policy plays a big part in the transition towards greater sustainability – and hence also in the future wellbeing of all. But it also has social consequences – for example, with regard to financial pressure on households or the loss of jobs.

The current issue of eco@work takes a detailed look at a socially equitable environmental transformation. It considers the social impacts of environmental and climate policy measures and shows how social consequences in the housing sector can be considered and how the burden on particularly vulnerable households can be eased. And in the interview, Dr Ines Verspohl of Sozialverband VdK explains how sustainable transport can be organised so that it is socially fair.

Read the current issue of eco@work Environmentally sound, collective and fair. Considering the social aspects of transformation
