Forests - For climate and biodiversity

Forests add immense and diverse value to our lives. They offer us a space where we can relax and unwind. They provide us with natural resources – primarily wood, but also forest fruits and fungi, for example. And they perform vital ecosystem and climate functions, converting CO2 into oxygen, acting as carbon sinks, and providing habitats for countless species of flora and fauna.

Forests in all their diversity are the main focus of this latest issue of eco@work. We look at the status of our forests in Germany and the potential for more ecological management and efficient resource use. We also consider the state of the world’s forests and identify some of the obstacles to their effective protection. And as always, eco@work includes an interview with an external expert; this time, we talk to private forest owner Hermann Graf von Hatzfeldt.

Read the current issue of eco@work Forests – For climate and biodiversity