Getting moving on climate protection – sustainable transport strategies

How can we make transport more climate-friendly in the face of increasing mobility? This is the question tackled in the current issue of eco@work, which is published today.

The new <link en e-paper getting-moving-on-climate-protection>eco@work is online

How can we make transport more climate-friendly in the face of increasing mobility? This is the question tackled in the current issue of <link en e-paper getting-moving-on-climate-protection>eco@work, which is published today. We present the findings of the Renewbility study, which show how Germany could reduce its transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by a quarter by 2030. Another article quantifies the climate benefits of public transport: each passenger who uses bus or rail instead of the car for local journeys saves on average 2.5 kilograms CO2 per trip. And in the interview we introduce Michael Sailer, the institute's new CEO.

The current issue "Getting moving on climate protection" <link en e-paper getting-moving-on-climate-protection>is available here.