Green Economy - Sustainability, repackaged?

The Green Economy concept has become a buzzword for a more sustainable future. But what’s it all about, and does it have anything new to offer?

The Green Economy concept has become a buzzword for a more sustainable future. But what’s it all about, and does it have anything new to offer?

The first main article in the latest issue of eco@work, titled “A repackaging exercise?”, asks whether the Green Economy concept really offers innovative approaches and what its added value exactly is. We also probe the issues surrounding Green Finance and the barriers to investment in climate protection.

As always in eco@work, an external voice is raised: in our interview, Professor Markus Lederer from the University of Münster explains the prospects for sustainable patterns of production and consumption in developing countries and emerging economies.

Read the latest issue of eco@work here: Green Economy – Sustainability, repackaged?


Mandy Schoßig
Head of Public Relations & Communication Department
Oeko-Institut e.V., Berlin office

Tel.: +49 30 405085-334