Join our 500plus! membership campaign.

For 30 years the Öko-Institut has been a non-profit organization. It is true that our work is financed primarily through project-related contracts and funding from public and private clients. But we still need you as a member.

For 30 years the Öko-Institut has been a non-profit organization. It is true that our work is financed primarily through project-related contracts and funding from public and private clients. But we still need you as a member. For our members ensure that the institute retains its strong links with society at large; they enable us to continue our crucial sustainability research and to remain financially independent in the long term.

That is why we have launched our 500plus! membership campaign. We are aiming to recruit 500 new members.

Join in! You will be helping to solve some of the pressing social challenges of today and tomorrow. Please tell other people about our campaign and write to us if you have comments or suggestions.

Shaping the future together!
You can make a difference: to social conditions, political decisions and the way business works. Join us in confronting the great challenges of our time, including climate change and the switch to renewable energies. Help to maintain the integrity of our natural resources.

In return for your commitment...
There are many good reasons for joining the Öko-Institut. The most important is that you are supporting independent and crucial environmental research, new ideas and initiatives for a sustainable future. But you also benefit from some very practical advantages.

  • You can participate at reduced rates in our events.
  • We will inform you about current issues, events and new studies.
  • We are happy to give you a tour of our plus-energy office building in Freiburg, the Solar Ship.

Your involvement is doubly rewarded!
We provide each new member with a socket mounted electricity meter. This helps you find out quickly and easily which electric devices in your household are using up too much electricity. By putting energy-efficient devices to optimum use, an average household can save up to 400 kilowatt hours of electricity every year. That’s worth about € 80 – an easy way to recoup your annual Öko-Institut membership fee! And you’re doing something positive for the environment at the same time!

Already made up your mind? A registration form is online at

Further Information

Our Mission: To shape the future - Join us!

Our Principles

What would life be like if lots of new members joined the Öko-Institut?
Article in eco@work 1/08

Join our 500plus! membership campaign
Article in eco@work 1/08

Who to contact 
If you have any questions Romy Klupsch will be pleased to help. She can be contacted by telephone on +49-61-45295-24 (10.00 - 12.00 h) or by e-mail to: r.klupsch(at)

Members of the Öko-Institut pay an annual subscription of 80 euros, concessions (e.g. students, pensioners, unemployed) 35 euros. You can also take out life membership for a one-off fee of 1000 euros.