Science in transition – Annual Report 2018

[Translate to English:] Der aktuelle Jahresbericht ist nun online
Last year was a year of extremes – politically and in particular meteorologically. The unusual weather conditions once more focused people’s attention on climate change. Science is particularly important in this context. It explains connections. It supplies facts where others try to distort the truth. At the same time, science must be in tune with the modern world; it cannot retreat to an ivory tower but must address issues of relevance to society.
In 2018 the Oeko-Institut continued its commitment to this task, repeatedly moving climate change mitigation and environmental issues into the spotlight. The latest annual report profiles selected projects that between them cover issues such as corporate responsibility in global supply chains, the expansion of electricity grids and emissions trading, and sustainability in transport and nutrition. The report also outlines current structures, statistics and developments at the institute.
Annual report 2018 “Science in transition"
The pdf version of our Annual Report 2018 can be downloaded here. Alternatively, you can request a print copy by sending an email to Clara Wisotzky or telephoning +49 30 405085-333.