Sustainability concept for the Olympic Games 2024

Oeko Institut and the German Sport University of Cologne are elaborating key building blocks for the environmental and sustainability concept of Hamburg's bid for the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024 under the auspices of the City of Hamburg's Department for the Environment and Energy (BUE).
Additional project groups, experts and dialogue partners are also involved. Based on the sustainability concept, negative environmental impacts of the Olympic Games are to be avoided and reduced as far as possible. The climate constitutes a cornerstone of the concept. As far as possible, no additional CO2 emissions should arise as a result of the Games; when these emissions are unavoidable, they should be compensated.
The sustainability concept also includes a socially diverse re-use of the Olympic City, the economical use of resources during the Games and a focus on global supply chains and sustainable procurement.
On 29th November 2015, the citizens of Hamburg can vote in a referendum on the Olympic bid. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will decide in autumn 2017 which city will be the host city for the 2024 Games.
More information is available on the City of Hamburg's website
Contact at Oeko Institut:
Dr. Hartmut Stahl
Senior Researcher in the Infrastructure & Enterprises Division
Oeko Institut, Darmstadt office
Phone: +49 6151 8191-180