"The functioning of the ETS and the flexible mechanisms" - Briefing paper and webcast

In 2003, the EU established a ‘cap & trade’ emissions trading system (EU ETS) for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of large industrial sources such as power plants, refineries and steel works. Since 2005, covered installations need a tradable allowance for each tonne of GHG emission. To ensure a reduction of -71% in 2050 compared to 2005 the cap is constantly reduced.

In 2003, the EU established a ‘cap & trade’ emissions trading system (EU ETS) for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of large industrial sources such as power plants, refineries and steel works. Since 2005, covered installations need a tradable allowance for each tonne of GHG emission. To ensure a reduction of -71% in 2050 compared to 2005 the cap is constantly reduced. This briefing explains the basic functioning of the EU ETS and how emission reduction projects outside the EU, so called Flexible Mechanisms, can be used for compliance under the EU ETS.

The briefing paper "The functioning of the ETS and the flexible mechanisms" can be downloaded here >>

The webcast of the related workshop held on March 22nd 2011 in Brussels can be watched here >>
