8th Adaptation to scientific and technical progress of exemptions 2(c), 3 and 5 of Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV)

The objectives of this project can be outlined as follows: Provide a clear assessment and evaluation of whether the exemptions are justified in line with the requirements of the Directive; Indicate why the restricted substances are currently required or used and the quantity of the restricted substance present in the specific application; Indicate if the elimination or substitution of the restricted substances via design changes or different materials and components is currently technically or scientifically possible; Indicate if the negative environmental, health and/or consumer safety impacts caused by substitution are likely to outweigh the environmental, health and/or consumer safety benefits; If substitutes exist, indicate why they are not used; Assess the substitute in light of other EU policies, such as the initiative for a resource-efficient Europe, the Sustainable Production and Consumption Programme, Sustainable Industrial Policy, the Raw Materials Initiative, etc.; Indicate any similar applications in which the substance (or their substitutes) are used and why they are not suitable for the application in question; Indicate, if possible, what efforts have been made for an exemption to find out if alternatives are available/what efforts are being made to develop alternatives; Indicate if alternative techniques or materials will be available by an expiry date of an exemption / any other date; Work in close liaison with the Commission and with the parties which submitted relevant evidence, relevant trade associations and non-governmental organisations. Having regard to confidentiality issues, ensure, inter alia through setting up a dedicated website, that all relevant stakeholders will receive all the necessary information about launching and progress of the project and the opportunity for a timely and appropriate contribution and participation. This exercise shall be conducted following the minimum standards for consultation of interested parties set out in the Commission Communication COM(2002) 704 final of 11.12.2002; Consider previous assessments of the exemptions published at: ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/elv_index.html

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2016

Project manager

Project staff

Katja Moch
Senior Researcher Sustainable Products & Material Flows

Funded by

European Commission, DG Environment

Project partners

Eunomia Research and Consulting Ltd.

Website of project
