Adaptation and update of the administrative regulation 'Procurement and Environment – VwVBU'

With the adoption of the reform of the public procurement law by the German Federal Government, Green Public Procurement has gained additional significance. The adaptation of Public Procurement Law facilitates the procurement of environmentally sound products and services by allowing for particular reference to be made to quality and eco-labels for demonstating compliance with the requirements of these labels as regards the products' or services characteristics. This change of legislation results in a need for revision of the administrative regulation 'Procurement and Environment' (VwVBU) for implementing the Berlin Public Tender and Procurement Act.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2018

Project manager

Ina Rüdenauer

Project staff

Eva Brommer
Jens Gröger
Research Coordinator for sustainable digital infrastructures / Senior Researcher Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Britta Stratmann

Funded by

Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin

Project partners

Werner Sobek Green Technologies GmbH