Advising the City of Wiesbaden on the negotiation of emission limit values below the re-quirements of the 17th BImschV and on the extensive exploitation of the district heating extraction potential of the planned waste incineration plants of Knettenbrech and Gurdulic as well as on the recycling status of commercial waste treatment and the reduction of transport emissions.

The consultation includes the following work:

  • Negotiation meetings with the operator and meetings for internal coordination within the city of Wiesbaden.
  • Development of negotiation positions by researching approval and operating values or the district heat extraction of comparable plants as well as evaluations of the expected immission loads, recycling standards for commercial waste sorting, etc.
  • Drafting of a contract between the plant operator and the city of Wiesbaden to regulate the points that cannot be regulated in the notice of approval or are not regulated there.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Günter Dehoust
Resources & Transport

Funded by

state capital Wiesbaden