Analysis of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) benefits for the energy transition

This project analyses the current and potential relevance of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for the expansion of renewable energies and generally for the advancement of the energy transition. For this purpose, an overview of relevant differences in the design of PPAs is compiled. Based on this, it is analysed to what extent additional incentives for the expansion of renewable energies or for the system-serving integration of fluctuating renewables may arise under the given legal and market conditions. Finally, recommendations are developed as to whether and how the use of PPAs by electricity suppliers can be rewarded and promoted in the context of green electricity labels through the application of concrete certification criteria.

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Project is ongoing

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Funded by

Verein zur Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit und Markttransparenz in der Energiewirtschaft (EnergieVision e.V.)