Analysis of social aspects in federal funding for efficient buildings

The project provides important basic information for the question of how social aspects can be taken into account in the German “Funding for efficient buildings” (BEG). For this purpose, the target groups of the households to be addressed are defined and the housing conditions, housing costs, housing cost burden, energy consumption, renovation costs and possible CO 2 savings for these target groups are analysed. In addition, the worst-performing buildings are focused on and it is considered which households live in these buildings and which costs and savings are associated with energy retrofits for them. Based on this, the study analyses to what extent a subsidy bonus, e.g. for worst-performing buildings or for certain household or income groups, would benefit households in the lower income classes and thus address the goal of taking social aspects into account within the BEG.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2023

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Project partners

German Energy Agency (dena)