Analysis of specific provisions related to selected critical raw materials in the context of the end-of-life vehicle Directive review: analysis of socio-economic impacts of selected provisions and alignment with findings of the Impact Assessment

The study aims at technically supporting the JRC in analysing the feasibility, the relevance and the expected impact of selected provisions related to Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) in the context of the ELV Directive Review and the impact assessment being performed in this context. Such provisions could address a few CRMs that are in principle in the scope of the study, including Rare Earth Elements in magnets of (traction) electric motors; gallium, palladium and others in electronic circuit boards; Platinum Group Metals in catalysts and new fuel cells; magnesium in car bodies; and other CRMs if considered relevant. Other materials, even if not critical (e.g., copper contained in traction electric motors and wire harnesses of vehicles; gold and silver in electronic circuit boards) could also be looked at in terms of potential sources of secondary raw materials. These could be addressed through various provisions, specifying requirements on the design and assembly of components containing CRMs in the vehicle, their sourcing or their treatment at End-of-Life.

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Status of project

End of project: 2023

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Funded by

European Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre