ANTI-Circumvention of Standards for better market Surveillance (ANTICSS)
More information about the project
Status of project
End of project: 2021
Project manager
Project staff
Funded by
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Project partners
SEVEn - The Energy Efficiency Center
ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
University of Bonn
VDE - Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS)
AEA - Austrian Energy Agency
The Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi
FFII-LCOE - Fundación Para El Fomento De La Innovación Industrial Madrid
CM - Community of Madrid
SEI - Státní Energetická Inspekce
BHTC - Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Belgium
GRS - Gewerbeaufsichtsamt - Regierung von Schwaben
BMDW - Federal Ministry Digital and Economic Affairs Austria
IMQ - Istituto Italiano del Marchio di Qualità
Re/gent B.V.
NVWA - Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority
ADENE - Agência para a Energia
ASAE - Autoridade Seguranca Alimentar e Económica