Assessment of the FFH and environmental impact in the approval process for the combine use of the interim storage facility Ahaus also as interim storage facility for other radioactive substances in accordance with Section 7(1) of the Radioactive Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV)

Within the licensing procedure for an approval to use a part of the interim storage facility Ahaus for interim storage of low and intermediate active waste an environmental impact assessment is necessary. Oeko Institute examines the environmental impacts of the project as well as the compatibility with the European Habitats directive on behalf of the Bezirksregierung Münster as the competent authority. The assessment includes the radiological and non-radiological effects of the operation.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Christian Küppers

Project staff

Peter Küppers

Funded by

Regional Council of Münster