Assessment of the fundamentals for the evaluation of Saarland’s waste management plan, Sub-plan “Commercial and industrial waste” of 2008 and an examination of the need for its continuation

In order to evaluate the waste management plan of Saarland for trade and industry, and to update it where appropriate, an investigation of basic principles has first been prepared, essentially pointing out the legal, technical and economic framework conditions for the waste management plan, as well as the current waste management situation in the Saarland. Starting from a detailed analysis of the current situation, realistic objectives of planning are proposed in accordance with the waste hierarchy of the Recycling Economics and Wastes Act (KrwG). On the basis of this analysis, the future development of waste generation and waste disposal structures are additionally anticipated for the study area of Saarland. The assessment as to whether there is a need for a continuation of the waste management plan ‘Special waste' is ensured by comparing the findings made with the contents of the WMP 'Special waste' of 2008.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2013

Project manager

Günter Dehoust
Resources & Transport

Project staff

Peter Küppers

Funded by

Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection (Saarland)

Project partners

Peter Gebhardt, Ingenieurbüro für Umwelttechnik (IfU)

Website of project