Assessment of the product portfolio of a food retail company in terms of climate impact, and identification of the life cycles with climatic relevance on the basis of existing analyses and studies

In the framework of a study prepared by Oeko-Institut, the product range of a food company was to be assessed in terms of the products' respective impact on the climate. Furthermore, the climate-relevant life stages was to be identified on the basis of the results of publicly available PCF analyses and PCF studies. As a result, the products most relevant to the climate (as a rough estimate) should be identified from each of the following product groups. In addition to the relative climate relevance within the product groups, an evaluation covering all relevant product groups was to be made in order to prioritize the climate-relevant products of each product group (in the sense that, or example, the most relevant meat products altogether are still more relevant than the most relevant dairy products).

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Status of project

End of project: 2015

Project manager

Funded by

World Wide Fund For Nature International Germany (WWF Germany)