Assistance to the Commission on technological, socio-economic and cost-benefit assessment related to exemptions from the substance restrictions in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS Directive) - Pack 5

In the context of this project a request for exemption is to be evaluated according to the RoHS 2 criteria for justification of exemptions. After an initial completeness check of requests, available information for each request is to be subjected to an online stakeholder consultation, to allow further input concerning the request justification. Following the stakeholder consultation, contributions shall be posted on the CIRCABC as well as the RoHS evaluations website and the evaluation of each request shall begin. With the completion of evaluations, a report shall be prepared presenting the available information and explaining the rational of the evaluation of each request, as well as providing a recomendation for the EU COM weather to approve the request and under what circumstances. ###Text für alle Packs zusammen:### In the overall context of these projects, various exemption requests are evaluated according to the RoHS 2 criteria for justification of exemptions. After initial completeness checks of requests, available information for each request is subjected to an online stakeholder consultation to allow further input concerning the request justification. After the stakeholder consultation, contributions are posted on the CIRCABC as well as the RoHS evaluations website, followed by the evaluation of each request. Among others, the critical reviews look into aspects such as the availability and reliability of substitutes; possible environmental and health impacts related to substitution; socio-economic aspects of substitution, etc. With the completion of each evaluation pack, a report is prepared presenting the available information and explaining the rational of the evaluation of each request, as well as providing a recommendation for the EU COM whether to approve the request and under what circumstances.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2014

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

European Commission, DG Environment

Project partners

Eunomia Research and Consulting Ltd.
Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (Fraunhofer IZM)

Website of project