Balancing of greenhouse gases for new construction and expansion projects of rail infrastructure

The project aims at developing robust methodologies for greenhouse gas balancing (GHG balancing) of rail infrastructure projects in order to adequately consider the increasing political focus on life cycle-based assessments and legal requirements, particularly in the context of climate protection. To this end in a first step the current legal framework and the existing methodical basis for GHG balancing will be researched and presented. In addition, the available data sources with regard to the structures and requirements of rail infrastructure and the assessment of the associated GHG emissions are shown. Also the interface to the methodical consideration of modal shift effects is analysed. On this basis, a concrete methodology for GHG balancing of rail infrastructure projects at an early planning stage will be developed, whereby two different approaches are pursued: Methodology 1 is intended to provide an orientating classification of the rail infrastructure project in the overall balance of transport modes, Methodology 2 focuses on the life cycle-oriented analysis of the specific rail infrastructure project. The methodical specifications take particular account of the legal requirements concerning the consideration of climate protection during the planning phase. These will be elaborated in detail as part of the project.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2025

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Deutsches Zentrum für Schienenverkehrsforschung (DZSF) beim Eisenbahn Bundesamt

Project partners

Prof. Dr. Stefan Klinski
TU Berlin - Fachgebiet Bahnbetrieb und Infrastruktur