Basic principles for the development of a concept for cumulative environmental exposure assessments under REACH

The aim of the project is to develop a concept under REACH for considering the cumulative contribution of substances to the environmental pollution, and to continue to shape the guidelines for cumulative risk assessment under REACH. In addition to the definitions of important terms, already existing guidelines for cumulative exposure assessments from other legal areas of regulation will be evaluated and their applicability to the environmental exposure assessment under REACH will be examined. In addition, the application areas for which a cumulative exposure assessment might be relevant will be worked out. In order to enable a harmonized EU approach, initial proposals for a technical implementation of the cumulative exposure assessment of chemicals are to be developed as part of the preparation and evaluation of substance dossiers and will be submitted to the EU with view to their implementation in the medium term.


More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2011

Project manager

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)