Best available techniques for PFOS substitution in the surface treatment of metals and plastics and analysis of alternative substances to PFOS in chrome plating and plastic pickling

Within the scope of the project, an overview of plants operated in Germany for the chrome plating of metals and plastics as well as for the etching of plastics was to be compiled. The aim was to determine in which plants fluorinated wetting agents are used, which fluorine compounds they contain and how these compounds can be reduced in the process itself and in waste water treatment. Existing processes and processes under development relating to surface coating, working either entirely without chromium(VI) or fluorinated wetting agents, were also considered and possible obstacles to their use were to be identified.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Project staff

Markus Blepp

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

IUW-integrierte Umweltberatung
POPs Environmental Consulting - Dr. Roland Weber