Bewertung von Optionen zur Verbesserung bestimmter Aspekte des EU-Rechtsrahmens für Batterien

The objective of this study is assessing a dedicated set of options in the field of regulation on batteries more in detail. For the following fields we developed options to improve the effects of the Batteries Directive and assessed these options accordingly:

  • Possible provisions dealing with the ‘second-life’ of batteries.
  • Possible measures restricting single-use portable batteries.
  • Possible measures setting minimum levels of recycled content.
  • Possible measures establishing deposits and refunds systems for batteries.
  • Possible measures to ensure removability, replaceability and interoperability of batteries.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Georg Mehlhart

Project staff

Peter Dolega

Funded by

European Commission, DG Environment

Project partners

Ramboll Kopenhagen
Dr. Christoph Neef

Website of project