BMBF Competence Cluster "Battery Use Concepts" and "Recycling & Green Battery" - Sub-project Öko-Institut e.V. "2nd Use & Green Battery - GreenBattNutzung"

The overall objective of the project is to create uniform references and standards for the cluster projects and to combine the data, methods and tools from the projects. to be brought together. In addition, an overall system assessment will evaluate the ecological, economic and socio-economic aspects of different end-of-use/end-of-life options for batteries and, based on this, recommendations for action will be made to relevant stakeholders. From the overall objectives of the accompanying project, the following partner-specific objectives of the subproject can be derived:

  • The holistic evaluation of the overall system across all battery lifecycle phases with the Inclusion of the cluster projects as well as the results of the other competence clusters.
  • Deriving recommendations for action for various actors from the fields of politics, economy and research and discussion of these with the public

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Website of project