Circular Economy: Analysis and advice on bio-based materials in the circular economy, chemical recycling, carbon cycles and mass balancing

The aim of the project is to provide the WWF with a framework for the evaluation of technologies and circular economy strategies in the field of plastics and bio-based materials. This framework should take into account the challenges posed by inadequate recycling, biodiversity protection and the need for climate neutrality to achieve the 1.5 degree target (keyword 'net zero GHG emissions'). Based on a scenario in which Germany is climate-neutral from 2045 (as stipulated in the Climate Protection Act) and should have a negative net balance for GHG emissions from 2050, the aim is to outline how the approaches of avoidance, mechanical recycling, chemical recycling, carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and the use of biogenic raw materials can be dovetailed in such a way that both climate targets can be achieved and planetary boundaries (especially with regard to biodiversity) and global food security can be respected. This analysis is intended to provide a background for future case-specific evaluation of individual technologies (chemical recycling, CCU and biogenic raw materials in individual applications). The analysis should also show which applications are highly likely to be counterproductive from an environmental perspective or are associated with high risks of undesirable side effects. This applies in particular with regard to a political-technological overemphasis on approaches that are disadvantageous from a physical-energetic point of view compared to other (and in some cases more established) processes.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2023

Project manager

Project staff

Günter Dehoust
Resources & Transport
Dr. Andreas Köhler
Head of Subdivision Chemicals, Materials & Technologies / Senior Researcher Sustainable Products & Material Flows

Funded by

World Wide Fund For Nature International Germany (WWF Germany)