Consultancy services for the revision of the guidelines for the public procurement of electrically powered products in the state of Berlin

The aim of the project is to update the existing requirements of the Administrative Regulation on Procurement and the Environment (VwVBU) of the State of Berlin for the procurement of electrically powered products by public procurement organisations. The proposed updates should be designed in such a way that they are both ecologically ambitious and economically justifiable. In addition, they should be efficiently applicable in procurement practice. This is to be ensured through close coordination with Berlin's contracting authorities, which purchase the relevant products and services. In particular, those Berlin procurement offices that procure products centrally for the Berlin administration play an important role in the project. These include the IT Service Centre (ITDZ) and the State Administration Office (LVwA). However, the Berlin fire service and the state police are also to be involved wherever possible. As part of the updates, the issue of the increasing centralisation of procurement should also be addressed to a lesser extent where possible

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment Berlin