Decarbonisation and electrification potentials in German industry - data, actors and models

In this project, Oeko-Institut, as part of a consortium, researches the electrification potential of the German industry. The potential for making electricity demand more flexible is also being investigated. Oeko-Institut focuses on three topics in this project. Regulatory barriers to the electrification of processes in industry are being analysed. In addition, Oeko-Institut develops a model that can disaggregate load time series as well as a model that enables the mapping of the balancing energy market in the PowerFlex deployment model. In addition, the effect of the electrification and flexibilisation of industry on the electricity price and the CO2 intensity of electricity generation is investigated by means of scenario analyses.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project staff

Sebastian Palacios

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)