Drawing up a best practice guide and an event concept relating to 'Strategies to successfully introduce organic food in the catering of municipalities ('More organic food in municipalities')'

The project 'More organic food in municipalities' particularly aimed at strengthening the demand for organic food by the public sector. It should help to assure that organic food and in particular regionally produced organic food in the canteens and the catering services on which local authorities have an influence will become an essential and everyday building block in the medium term. The project and its results should motivate as many responsible persons in municipalities as possible to implement a sustainable food procurement in the own sphere of influence, taking particular account of organically produced food. This should be done first of all by pointing out ways how the introduction of organic food could be prepared at the political level by appropriate municipal or city council resolutions and subsequently be anchored in the procurement rules of public administration, and how existing bidding documents could be modified in accordance with such decisions and requirements relating to the procurement rules. Secondly, already existing positive examples should be investigated and the grounds for their success be identified by local authorities and public institutions. Thirdly and finally, instruments making it easier for responsible persons in local agencies to promote the use of organic foods in their area of responsibility were developed in the context of a practice guide and a training concept.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2016

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

City of Munich

Project partners


Website of project