Effectiveness of EU emissions trading: Identification and analysis of the main drivers of emissions development in selected sectors and countries

This project analyses the effectiveness of the EU ETS and identifies and classifies the drivers of emissions trajectories in the sectors covered by the EU ETS. In particular, the sectors iron and steelmaking, cement production, mineral oil refineries and the combustion sector are considered. This is done on the basis of country profiles and sectoral dossiers in which the four sectors mentioned are analysed for a selection of countries. In each case, market conditions are detailed and key drivers of emissions trajectories are discussed. Moreover, a decomposition analysis is carried out for the cement production sector to determine the drivers of the emission trajectories. A decomposition analysis is also carried out for the iron and steel production sector in order to trace the central drivers of the emissions development. The analysis is differentiated by country and production route.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Lukas Emele
Head of Energy Policy & Scenarios subdivision / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners
