Emissions of the industrial sector in Germany with a focus on the thirty largest industrial installations in the ETS 1

In this project, Oeko-Institut analyses the emissions of industrial ETS installations. The 30 largest industrial plants (excluding refineries) in Germany emitted a total of 58 million t CO2 in 2022. This corresponds to almost one third of the emissions of the industrial sector as defined in the Federal Climate Change Act (KSG) (178 million t CO2 eq.).

The production of iron and steel dominates emissions from industrial ETS installations. The 13 largest emitters belong to this sector. A lime plant follows at position 14. In addition, there are larger point sources in the chemical sector and the production of cement.

Since sectoral delimitation in the industrial sector is complicated, this study also presents the delimitation of the sectoral target of industry according to the Climate Change Act and explains the sectoral delimitation.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2023

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Funded by

World Wide Fund For Nature International Germany (WWF Germany)

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