Enabling consumer action towards top energy-efficient products ('TOPTEN ACT')

TOPTEN ACT aimed at transforming the European market of energy-using products towards higher energy efficiency by addressing non-technical market barriers. It built on the concept that it is ultimately consumer action (ACTion = the purchase of top energy-efficient products) that will determine market transformation. With this as basis, and the experience gathered from previous European Topten projects, TOPTEN ACT has developed a comprehensive strategy covering all key market actors, with three specific objectives mutually reinforcing each other: 1. To increase consumer purchases of top energy-efficient products in Europe (increase consumer ACTion); 2. To boost the availability of top energy-efficient products on European markets; 3. To increase large buyers' knowledge and purchases of top energy-efficient products in Europe (both for public authorities and private companies).

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2018

Project manager

Project staff

Eva Brommer
Johanna Jacobs

Funded by

Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)

Project partners

The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME)