Environmental policy transfer: Identification and systematisation of its success factors

The German Federal Government supports environmental policy knowledge and policy transfer to other countries with various funding instruments (e.g. the Advisory Assistance Programme, the International and European Climate Initiatives or EU funding instruments such as Twinning and Taiex). Experience with individual policy objectives and concepts, instruments or their implementation is passed on to partner countries, in some cases to help in shaping major transformation processes such as the energy transition. The project is commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency. It collates scientific and practical findings on the success factors for environmental policy transfer and prepares them in an application-oriented way. The project results will be used to render environmental policy learning between states more effective and to improve environmental protection worldwide. The Oeko-Institut carries out this project together with the Environmental Policy Research Centre of the Free University Berlin.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2022

Project manager

Dr. Franziska Wolff

Project staff

Siddharth Prakash
Head of Subdivision Circular Economy & Global Value Chain / Senior Researchers Sustainable Products & Material Flows

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Environmental Policy Research Centre - Freie Universität Berlin (FFU)