Environmentally sound disposal and recycling of e-waste - expert pool for advice on e-waste management in Ghana

The project contains three work packages that have strong interlinkages: While WP1 is mainly addressing policy-support needs for a National E-waste System, WP2 aims at preparing Ghanaian recyclers to upgrade so that they can comply with national, and perceptively also with international standards and good practices. WP3 refers to collection support and has a direct linkage to the national e-waste management system (WP1) and will greatly impact recycling businesses (WP2). Collection models so far follow an incentive driven approach, driven through the National E-waste Fund with focus on the Greater Accra Region.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

Project partners

World Resources Forum (WRF)
BlackForest Solutions GmbH
Mountain Research Institute (MRI)
Dr. Deepali Sinha Khetriwal
Volutio GmbH
Dr. Gladys Nkrumah
Ecopartner International
Eco Solutions Industries Ltd.
HOPin Academy
Nora Schelte
Artificial Intelligence Finance Institute (AIFI)