European comparison of statistical methods for recording decentralised electricity and heat supply from renewable energy sources

In the Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001) the EU has defined an overall target for the use of renewable energies of at least 32%, in 2020 the target is a 20% share in energy supply. The Renewable Energy Directive has established an individual target for each Member State that needs to be achieved by 2020.

In order to monitor these targets respective data needs to be recorded by Member States. Member States are obliged to submit a biennial progress report on the share of renewable energies in their country. There are no uniform processes within the EU for recording the volume of the individual renewable energy carriers in different sectors; each Member State has their own methodology.

The research project systematically describes, compares and analyses the various statistical methods for recording energy consumption from decentralised, i.e. non-grid-connected renewable energies in the 28 EU Member States and Switzerland. A distinction is made between renewable heat and renewable electricity, as well as between individual sectors where energy is consumed, e.g. private households and industry. On the basis of this overview, particularly interesting and promising processes are identified and examined in depth for their potential use in Germany. Finally, recommendations for the further development of the energy-statistical processes applied in Germany are derived from the comparative analysis.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2022

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Project staff

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

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