Evaluation of cogeneration 2021–2025

In this project, the German Ministry for Economic Affairs (BMWK) is advised on all aspects of cogeneration. A special focus of Oeko-Institut's work in this project is to investigate the development of combined heat and power in Germany and to assess the associated effects on energy and greenhouse gas savings. The different fields of application and energy sources are taken into account and the effects of the German Cogeneration Act's (KWKG) subsidies are analysed. The evaluation is carried out to fulfill the obligations under the KWKG and on the basis of the evaluation plan for the EU Commission.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Lukas Emele
Head of Energy Policy & Scenarios subdivision / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate
Dr. Luca Lena Jansen
Wolfram Jörß
Head of Carbon Accounting subdivision / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate
Lothar Rausch
Alexander Zerrahn

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Project partners

Ingenieurbüro für BHKW-Planung und KWK (BHKW Consult)
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (Fraunhofer IFAM)
r2b energy consulting GmbH
Prognos AG