Evaluation of the first commissioning phase of the Competence Center for Nature Conservation and Energy Transition (KNE).

The Competence Center for Nature Conservation and Energy Transition (KNE) originated from an idea of the environmental associations. In the coalition agreement of the grand coalition (2013-2017), the establishment of a competence center was agreed upon, with the two central tasks of contributing to a more objective debate debate on nature conservation in the energy transition and to the avoidance of conflicts on the ground. In the course of the final report for the first commissioning phase 2016-2021, the evaluation on behalf of the Öko-Institut is planned. The evaluation will serve the BMU, which commissioned the KNE, as well as the executing agency and the KNE itself as documentation for the work performed, and it identifies fields that the KNE should address more intensively or in a new way during its second commissioning period.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2022

Project manager

Dr. Franziska Wolff

Funded by

Kompetenzzentrum Naturschutz und Energiewende gGmbH (KNE)

Project partners

Alina Beigang